PH Withholding Tax Localization - Help Document

Enabling the PH Withholding Tax Localization

  1. Search for withholding tax set-up in the system.
  2. Check the Enable withholding tax checkbox to activate the functionality.
  3. Click Create Set-up Data so default values for VAT and WHT Posting Groups will be created in the system.

Value Added Taxes

VAT Business Posting Group

Vendors & Customers

  • Depends on the registration of your vendor/customer, if they are VAT- registered, or not.
  • Seen & evidenced in the Certificate of Registration
  • Who to sell to? Who to Buy From?

VAT Product Posting Group

Item/GL Account

  • Depends whether the item being purchased is subject to VAT or not.
  • There is only a list of items that are tagged as EXEMPT in the PH Tax Law.
  • What to Sell? What to Buy

VAT Posting Groups

VAT Business Posting Group


  • VVAT


  • CVAT

VAT Product Posting Group

Item/GL Account

  • GOODS12
  • SERV12
  • CAPGD12
  • OTH12

VAT Posting Setup

All combinations of VAT Bus. + VAT Prod in the PH Localization must have either a Sales VAT Account or a Purchase VAT Account. This is the GL Account where you want your input taxes / output taxes to be recorded.

Update VAT Class. Vatable / Zero Rated / Exempt

Withholding Taxes

WHT Business Posting Group

Vendors & Customers:

  • Identify it the vendor/customer is an INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATION or NOWHT.
  • V_CORP
  • V_IND
  • C_CORP
  • C_IND

WHT Product Posting Group

• Item/GL Account
• Identify the Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) of the item / GL Account


  • W100 – 5% Rentals
  • W158 – 1% Goods
  • W160 – 2% Services

WHT Posting Setup

For Vendors, fill out the Payable Withholding Tax Account Code

For Customers, fill out the Sales Tab:

BIR Reports

Request Document System – Help Document

I. Administration Setup

This section will describe how an admin account can set up the Request Document System. Below shows how an initial setup of the extension is done. Together with other setup that are needed for additional configuration needed by process.

A. Set up Request Document Setup

Request document setup is the configuration page of the extension, this will control the licensing, no. series and budget for comparison used in the request process.

1. Search for Request Document Setup.

2. On the license tab, click Register. This will be for the license key registration.

3. Select the Import License Key to manually paste the purchased key in the dialog box that will appear.

4. Details of the license should appear in the window after confirming the key. Elements like the image above should be available.

5. Once license is confirmed and saved, go back to the Request Document Setup page.

6. Click Create Setup Data to import the initial configuration of the extension.

7. Initial configuration will include the following:

   a. Request Codes – used as an identifier for the requests’ target document

   b. No. Series – an initial series for the request list and processed request. These can be modified based on the users preference.

   c. Workflow Template – a template modeled from the standard Business Central workflow. This will help so that user will not have to modify or create workflow events.

8. After creating setup data, admin may now Assign No. Series. Below is an image of the created no. series already assigned in the number series for request documents.

Click the arrow down for selecting a different no. series.

9. Budget tab is for selecting the current budget that is followed on requests. This is to optimize process of communicating with other people to check allowed amount to purchase

Then Close page to begin using the extension.

B. Create Request Code

This is used for request document as an identifier of the target document where the request will be processed.

1. Search for the Request Code in the search box and seect the right link.

2. A window of configured request code list will appear.

a. Code – will be tagged in the request document
b. Description – a longer name that describes the code
c. Type – refers to what type of document it will create.
d. Active – an indicator if a request code can be used.

3. To create a new request code not included in the available list, click New.

4. Populate the General tab for a code and description that will be used. In this case, we created a DISPOSAL code which will be used for adjustments that should be tagged with disposal.

5. In the Code, type in DISPOSAL and a longer name in the description. Take note of the Type field as it will be used to identify the target document.

6. The tab below will depend on the type selected. This is for the details of the documents that will be created, such as entry type, document type, and no. series.

7. Don’t forget to toggle the Active button as this will indicate if the request code is used.

8. Go back to the Request list and it will be added. This can be now selected in the Request Document.

C. Enable Workflow

This section is about how to enable the workflow template included in the initial configuration. A workflow will help automate approval process and follows the same concept as the standard Business Central.

1. Type in Workflows in the search box and select the highlighted item.

2. Look for the Request Document Approval Workflow  and double click to open and view the steps and events in it.

3. Once responses are configured to the desired approver type. Enable the workflow.

4. Click the toggle Enabled  to turn on the workflow template.

II. Create Request Document – Approval Process

This chapter will show how to create a request document. In these sample, it will show how to create a document that will be processed to a Purchase Order.

1. In the search box, type in Request list and then select the right item as highlighted below.

2. A window with request list will appear, this is where all requests are monitored and created. Click New to create a blank document for a fresh request.

3. Expand the general tab by clicking Show More to view all fields available in the header.

4. Fill-up fields in the general tab. Boxed values below are user controlled.

a. Purchaser Code – will be for tagging the purchaser id necessary
b. Request Code – identifier for the target document. In this case, ORDER for a Purchase Order
c. Location – is the location that will receive the request
d. Department and Project – these are the dimensions for later analysis in the entries.

5. Next is to populate the lines. Indicate the items, services, of fixed assets being requested. Below, we have just inputted an item. Take note that details that are in the header is also copied in the lines such as, location, request codes and dimensions.

6. Indicate the Quantity and other such as the correct UOM and Cost if it is know already. However, cost may subject to change base on the purchaser and supplier.

7. If no approval workflow is required, user then may release the document. Select Release in the release tab. This is to have the lines available for processing.

8. This will update the Status of the document from Open to Released.

9. Since we have enabled the workflow, the user will send this for approval. In the Request Approval tab, click Send for Approval

10. This will change the status to Pending for Approval.

11. On the Approvers side, after login, search for Request To Approve and a list of pending for approval will appear.

12. Select the right document in the list.

13. Then choose the right command above for an action. In this scenario, we will use Approve.

14. This will update the status of the request to Released as this is the only approver of the document.

15. After the document is released, this will be the end of request process and initiate the purchase process.

II. Create Request Document – Approval Process

Since the request document is already released, we will have to create a Purchase Order using the request lines.

1. Purchaser will log in and open the PO List.

2. On the Actions tab, click the functions then select the Get request lines.

3. This will open a page with all lines from released request documents.

4. To process these lines, assign a Vendor No. and check the Select. Processor may select multiple lines and it does not have to belong to a single request document.

a. Vendor – refers to the supplier
b. Qty to process – how many quantity will be purchased. This can be edited for partial process if supplier cannot fully met requested quantity.
c. Select – if line will be included in the process.

5. Once all details are correct, click the Process Request.

6. Confirm the message box as this confirms that a new Purchase Order is created. Then close the request process page.

7. On the PO List, a new PO is created.

8. The Get Request Lines function is also available in the PO Subform as shown below. This will be useful if the PO will be appended.

That concludes process on how to get request in the PO.

IV. Other Features

A. Recurring Request Lines

This is to keep a template of all frequently used items or services for request.

1. Prepare a Recurring Purchase Lines. Search for it to view the existing lines.

2. Create by clicking New. In this sample, we only viewed an existing template

3. Manage then view the selected template.

4. On the request page, after populating the General Tab. Use the Actions tab then functions to select the Get Recurring Request lines

5. This will open the list of Recurring Lines. Select the template to be used then click OK

6. Request lines will be automatically populated with the template.

B. Budget Checking

A feature that will serve as a warning to over budget requests. And will also enable visibility to the amount requested, processed and available for requests.

1. On the Admin setup, we assigned a budget template on the setup which will automatically enable the budget checking feature.

2. On the request page, an item or services with a budget will look like this.

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Help documents for add-on Applications

PH Withholding
Tax Localization
Request Document
Dynamic Tenancy Management System
Contract Management